What articles link to a specific article
Auri Poso
I sorely need to know what other articles link to a specific article that I'm about to delete (especially in the absence of an archive function). Either it doesn't exist or I can't find it in the UI - in either case I need it to be possible.
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Auri Poso
So when I delete an article, I first delete or edit the links to that article from any other. For example, "Create X" might be linked from "Setting up X and Y", "X options", "Create Y" and so on.
If I don't do this, then the links from the other articles break. There's a space of time when I have to go to the link management section to fix all the links I missed. This takes time, and in the meanwhile users are getting 404s.
I want to be able to proactively edit the links so that when the article gets deleted, it no longer has any incoming links.
Mohamed Shakheen
Hi Auri, Thanks for sharing the feedback.
Could you please elaborate this usecase?