Provide enhanced Acronym functionality
David Gregory
The ability to have a list of Acronyms available for a site would be useful. While this can easily be done with an article, it would be useful to have the editor identify acronyms which have been defined and allowing the user to select whether or not (or which one) the acronym used in a page is referring to. When viewing a page on the site, it would be great to have the definition pop up on hover over the acronym
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David Gregory we have released Glossary last year. Please access the feature and share your thoughts.
in progress
David Gregory we are in the implementation for Glossary. You can utilise the same once its rolled-out. You can add respective abbreviations / acrnonyms / any other tech specific words and upon hovering the small pop-up will display the relevant information will be displayed in the KB site as well.
David Gregory
Thiru: That's fantastic! It will certainly be a feature that we will use extensively. Do you have any estimate as to when it will be released?