Private Notes permissions/buttons in Advanced Editor
Glenn Elliott
In the WYSIWYG editor on a private note in the the corner is the settings and trash icon for quick access to permissions and deleting the note, also there is "Only visible to team member(s)" or "and selected reader group(s)" after I make my changes.
This is extremely useful as all of our documentation is exclusively in private notes or many private notes, and seeing this info at a glance lets me know if I have set permissions correctly or not and gives me a quick way to get to the permissions.
But in the Advanced editor this has been removed, you now need to click the note to get a popup for the permissions, and once permissions have been set (which are not being retained but I have a bug ticket in for that) there is no notice of this in the corner of the private note.
With Documents that can contain close to 100 private notes this is now a frustrating process to 1. set permissions on each note and 2. there is no easy way for me to verify that permissions have been set correctly at a glance without clicking on every single note to bring up the permissions page again.
Can you please add this information back to the private note as it currently displays in the WYSIWYG Editor, otherwise creating documents efficiently is going to be a heck of an issue.
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D360 Product Management
Prabhakaran Parasuraman
Hi Glenn Elliott, thanks for your patience. We would like to inform the private notes issues are resolved in our advanced WYSIWYG editor. I've attached a screenshot for your reference. Now, all your private notes will be included with the appropriate labels in UI.
We would like to change the status of this feedback. If you have any concerns, feel free to reach out to us.the
Glenn Elliott
Prabhakaran Parasuraman Looks good, thank you!
D360 Product Management
Prabhakaran Parasuraman
Hi Glenn, thanks for reaching out to us. We understood that displaying the settings configurations in the private notes would be more helpful for you. We will include this in our immediate implementation and you can expect this function in our forthcoming release.
Especially, retaining the configurations in the settings has been prioritized for the current release. We will surely fix this issue and align for the Feb 3rd release.
Your understanding and patience are appreciated. If you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to reach out to us. Thanks for your valuable time.