No Search Result feedback should be emailed to us
under review
Stephen Kairys
It's great that users can let us know about failed searches. However, that info is only added to the Analytics page in the platform. I should not have to proactively go to this page daily to see feedback
Doc360 should email this info, like it does for other events (e.g., user likes an article, user provides feedback about an article, etc.)
Thank you.
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Glenn Elliott
This would be super helpful to have emailed out so that I don't have to remember to go look at it every day, this feature is becoming super helpful to understand what keywords technicians are using to look for a document, and once they submit this kind of feedback all I need to do is add a keyword to the article they are looking, it's really helpful, but having to remember to go look for this every day is not!
Merged in a post:
Send notification when someone submits feedback (no search results)
Shaunna Lacey
The new feature that allows people to submit feedback when there are no search results is super helpful! I think it would be even better if we could turn on notifications so members of our team receive an email when feedback is submitted.
It would also be helpful to capture the submitting user's email address (optional field) so that we can follow-up with them.
Cole Hermida
Do we have an update on this feature?
Mohamed Shakheen
Hi Stephen Kairys
Thank you for the feedback.
This seems to be a valid request to address. We consider this as an enhancement and accordingly I will update you on the ETA.
Mohamed Shakheen
under review
Mohamed Shakheen
Hi Shaunna Lacey
Thank you for the great feedback.
This seems to be a valid request to address. We consider this as an enhancement and accordingly I will update you on the ETA.
Vinoth Kannan
Hi Team,
As an additional concern from the customer, it is expected to have the feedbacks to display in the Descending order so that the recently submitted will be on top.
As we know the current behavior display in Ascending order.
Stephen Kairys
I'm totally aligned here.
Even better would be to display the results with most-recent-first. It's annoying to have to scroll down to see what's recently been submitted.
Shaunna Lacey