NEW Published Article Notification
Cory Permack
Currently the only notification options are "Article Created"(published or not) and "Article Published" (which notifies EVERY time there is an article update/re-publish). We need an option to notify when a new article is published for the first time.
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D360 Product Management
Selvaraaju Murugesan
Cory Permack Wondering why you want a notifications when a new article is published for the first time. May we could add another parameter in the notifications to give a number indicating how many times that article was published. Thoughts?
Cory Permack
Selvaraaju Murugesan: I would like to be able to alert my Support teams (using Slack) when a new article is available, with a link to the published article.
"Article Created" isn't helpful because it might not be published.
"Article Published" will alert the team EVERY TIME an article is updated and published (even for minor changes).
I just want to be able to alert people when there's a NEW, PUBLISHED article.
Shawn Wilson
"Article Created" doesn't make it clear that the article is in draft form. Can it say "Article Draft Created" instead?