More customization for feedback widget
under review
Laura Joy Phillips
We would like to further customize the feedback for that appears at the bottom of the article. Specifically, we would like to have the option to remove or rearrange the questions that appear. For example, we would like to remove the "Was this article helpful?" question and instead display only the "How can we improve this article?" question + comment box. With the way the feedback widget works right now, we are concerned that readers will not realize that they can give written feedback. However, if the comment box were visible by default, we would have the chance to capture more information from our readers.
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D360 Product Management
under review
Laura Joy Phillips
Hoping to see this feature added soon!
Mohamed Shakheen
Hi Laura Joy Phillips
I removed my previous comment. I spoke to the team.
Your suggestion is valid, it makes sense to give a level of customization since every customer's requirements are different.
We will review it.
Laura Joy Phillips
Mohamed Shakheen: Thank you for this update. We look forward to this improvement!