KB Assistant should only show articles related to current page
Shasi Kiran
The KBA should retrieve articles for web sites with URL mappings. If there is no URL mapping for a specific page, the KB Assistant should not display any articles. However, as of today, which is unusual, the KB Assistant gets some article that is not even linked to the web page that is generating a bad/confused UX. The functionality lacked obvious logic in my opinion.
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Mohamed Shakheen
Mohamed Shakheen
Hi Shasi Kiran,
Good day. This feature request is addressed as part of March month release. Kindly check this article - https://docs.document360.com/docs/march-2023-release-note.
Thank you
Saravana Kumar
Shasi Kiran : replied on correct place, hence removing this
Saravana Kumar
Hi Shasi Kiran, in our current implementation
If you have configured URL mapping that will take precedence and that specific article will be displayed.
If in case there is no URL mapping, the KB assistant will work like a mini knowledge center showing the categories and articles from KB site (depending on how you configured your content access for the KB assistant key).
Are you seeing a different user experience?
Shasi Kiran
Saravana Kumar: Hello Saravana, let me give you an example of the current behavior of KBA.
Example: If Webpage 1 --> Article 1, and Webpage 2 --> Not mapped to any article.
In the preceding example, the KBA, as predicted, opens Article 1 when accessed from Webpage 1. Now, if I navigate to Webpage 2 (which does not contain article mapping) and open the KBA, the KBA still retrieves Article 1. This functionality is giving end-users a very confusing experience.
Assume another Webpage 3 does not have any articles mapped. If I open the KBA, it still opens Article 1, which enhances the functionality's irrelevance.
Saravana Kumar
Shasi Kiran:
I think it will depend on how URL mapping is configured.
if we assume, the URL's are like this
if the URL mapping is done just for "/settings" then on all 3 pages the configured article will show up.
However, if the configuration is for "/webpage1/settings" then the article should show up only for "/webpage1/settings" and not one Webpage 2 and 3.
Shasi Kiran
Saravana Kumar: considering your 2nd case, the article mapped to "/webpage1/settings" is showing up for webpage 2 and 3 (with unique URLs) which do not have any article mappings.
Saravana Kumar
Shasi Kiran: then it's not correct, we will ask our team to do further analysis. If possible can you please drop a note to support@document360.com so it will be easy to diagnose with context.
Shasi Kiran
Saravana Kumar: This has already been informed to one of your support consultants (Nivedha). She consulted your Engg. team and responded by saying it is expected functionality behaviour.
The ticket no: #151575
Saravana Kumar
Shasi Kiran: I checked internally, however, we recently modified the behaviour based on another customer feedback. You can see the details here
In that customer case, they wanted the article to stay on the same page instead of jumping back to categories/articles list home page.
I can see both scenarios are valid (based on customer requirement). We probably should bring a settings/option for the preferred one :-)
Shasi Kiran
Saravana Kumar: A settings/option for the preferred one would be great. May i know if it is included in the Product Road Map.