Drive should allow us to rename image files
under review
Shannon Greywalker
Some contributors are lazy about image naming, and will simply add a bunch of images named "image" , one at a time, to an article as they work.
This results in many image files in drive with names like image(78).png, image(102).png, and so on.
This of course is bad practice and makes it difficult for editors and authors to maintain topics. For example, a common and frequent use case is the need to _update_ an image with a newer screenshot as product interfaces evolve. In this use case, you are looking at the article in the editor, seeing the image name, and then opening Drive in a separate browser tab and searching for that image name so that you can use "Replace" to update that image with a newer screenshot/diagram/etc.
Problem is, when contributors are lazy with their image file naming as they author, and you end up with vague file names like image(35).png, an editor might want to _rename_ that image file to be more descriptive of its content, and to follow style guidelines and naming conventions.
Except Doc360 does not allow us to rename existing images. Why not? You know the image dependencies. Why not allow us to rename an existing image, and Doc360 can follow the dependencies and update the image name portion of the
to match, in all dependent articles?The
syntax is plain text and should be simple to update automatically when someone renames the corresponding image over in Drive.Log In
doodle nandi
Is there a plan to get this change implemented in 2025? Not being able to rename images in the Drive of Doc360 leads to serious issues of duplicate images. I'm sure this is an essential functionality to have. Thanks!
Glenn Elliott
It's been 3 years since this topic was raised and was "added to the roadmap", is there any movement on this? It's a real pain point for a lot of your clients apparently, and us included.
Abby Dong
Saravana Kumar Thiru Do you have an update on this? This is a huge pain point in managing Drive assets and it creates a lot of unnecessary work having to workaround it.
Abbie Baker
We would also really like to see the ability to rename image files in Drive. We refer to our images with figure numbers (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, etc.), and whenever there's a new figure that gets added in between two existing figures, we need to be able to change the numbering in the image file names in Drive. For example, if there's a new Figure 2, then the original Figure 2 needs to be renamed as Figure 3. Currently, there is no way to do this in the Drive files.
Amjitha Singh
Request for a related feature:
I would like the ability to rename files directly from Drive. Please consider this an urgent request.
Abbie Bowen
I hope this is still in the roadmap plan. I second the issues and pain points everyone else here has raised. Thank you!
Michelle Van Kolck
Related feature. Since manually having to delete files that cannot be renamed on the Drive results in a high risk of assets on the Drive that need to be identified as no longer having dependencies.
Please can you take a look at this and vote it up if you agree.
Thanks Michelle
Michelle Van Kolck
Hi Shannon Greywalker, Absolutely essential functionality!!! So, so important. Thanks for raising this. We need this urgently. Having to replace files is far too impractical and far too inefficient.
Mary Theis
We would like this ability as well.
Saravana Kumar
under review
The use case is valid and will be useful for everyone. This is something in our road map, as a first step we brought this feature of "Dependency viewer" which allows you to see all the articles that are dependent on a particular image.
Our next phase will be enhancing this and providing the option to rename the image. Since it's a write operation we need to be careful about reliability hence we delayed the implementation.
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