Some contributors are lazy about image naming, and will simply add a bunch of images named "image" , one at a time, to an article as they work.
This results in many image files in drive with names like image(78).png, image(102).png, and so on.
This of course is bad practice and makes it difficult for editors and authors to maintain topics. For example, a common and frequent use case is the need to _update_ an image with a newer screenshot as product interfaces evolve. In this use case, you are looking at the article in the editor, seeing the image name, and then opening Drive in a separate browser tab and searching for that image name so that you can use "Replace" to update that image with a newer screenshot/diagram/etc.
Problem is, when contributors are lazy with their image file naming as they author, and you end up with vague file names like image(35).png, an editor might want to _rename_ that image file to be more descriptive of its content, and to follow style guidelines and naming conventions.
Except Doc360 does not allow us to rename existing images. Why not? You know the image dependencies. Why not allow us to rename an existing image, and Doc360 can follow the dependencies and update the image name portion of the
to match, in all dependent articles?
syntax is plain text and should be simple to update automatically when someone renames the corresponding image over in Drive.