Deeplink to articles using JWT

Glenn Cedströmer
We want to be able to link to specific articles from our internal extranet where users already are signed in.
We have a general link to the help center but we want to create more specific links to different articles. This is currently not possible using the JWT all links is just to one start page.
Maybe add an optional parameter &goto={URL} with the JWT authentication
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Youri van Pinxteren
Isn't this already possible?
https://<Knowledge base URL>/jwt/authorize?code=<code>&redirectUrl=<redirect path>


Jean Iwanowski
This would be useful for us as well!

Marshal Ebinezar
Hi Glenn Cedströmer, Thank you for your feedback; currently, we do not have a provision to add with the JWT. We will consider your request and add it to our pipeline, and we will notify you as soon as possible.