Dark mode for main page
Adam Minich
With the recent launch of dark mode for articles and categories it'd be great to also have the ability to have a dark mode version for homepages so that the entire help center has dark or light mode parity.
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D360 Product Management
Pavithra Mathivanan
Hi Adam Minich, Joshua Bulleid, Thank you for your feedback! We've implemented updates to ensure dark mode is now available across all pages, including the homepage, article pages, and search page.
I hope this addresses your concern, so I'll be closing this request. However, if you encounter any further issues, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Joshua Bulleid
Need Dark Mode for Search result pages and What's New page as well.
Shakeer Hussain S
under review
Shakeer Hussain S
Hi Adam - We sincerely appreciate you sharing this valuable feedback with us. We will thoroughly evaluate the feasibility and required effort for implementation. Please stay connected for further updates on this request.
Laura Joy Phillips
Agreed--this would help our KB feel more cohesive for any users in dark mode.