convert article into a category of type page
under review
Chris Fridgen
Feature request - convert article into a category of type page so that I can nest articles under it
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harald dersch
What is the status of this? Related requests are coming in:
harald dersch
I would like to see an option to switch between article and page-type category interchangeably. As already mentioned by others, you may start with a single article and might want to convert it to a category and add sub-articles later. On the other hand, you may have a category with articles and later restructure and have only the page-type category left, which you still can expand although there are no articles within anymore.
Sune Lyster
I echo this request. I miss the article functionality (replicate, templates...) on categories, and I miss the category functionality (children assignment) on articles. I represent 24k readers and 40 editors.
rebecca bezek
This would be very helpful. I have several articles that I would like to turn into categories (with the type of Page) so I can nest other articles underneath them. Right now, I have to copy the code out of the existing article, create a new Category (with type of Page), and then paste the code, and publish.
Janice Anderson
This would really be helpful to us. Right now we import an existing document and it gets created as an Article. However, it has child pages under it and needs to be converted to Page type. During my evaluation trial, I had to import it as article, create new page type, copy the content from article to page, and then delete the imported article. Out of our 500+ documents probably 25% are page types with children documents/articles under them. :-\
Florentina Bledea
For flexibility, it would be nice to have the same options as in the case of a folder.
Monica White
I really need this because I was using articles and categories interchangeably, but now when I try to export the workspace, the entire content document is all shuffled because of how Document360 organizes them. I need to either be able to change all articles to categories OR have an option for Document360 to default to the order of articles & categories rather than a reorganized category/article hierarchy.
Merged in a post:
Changing article to category and vice-versa
Swathi Falconer
Make it possible to change an article to an article category, or an article category to article. This would be useful when restructuring articles.
Swathi Falconer just to be sure, the request is convert a category into article and vice versa right? These conversions would also have an impact slug values, article settings and relevant redirection rules if any appled any. We will take this into our thorough analysis and keep you posted. We have similar post for this request and so we are merging the same for more visibility to other users as well.
Swathi Falconer
Thiru: Thank you!
under review
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