Collapsible Sections
Brian Le
It's currently possible to add collapsible sections with html tags (<detail>). It would be nice if this got added into the platform natively for better UX
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Shannon Greywalker
Thiru: This is NOT complete. The new block editor is an HTML editor. There are clear use cases within organizations (like mine) for NEVER creating HTML-based articles, and creating ONLY markdown articles. Accordion-folded text should be supported as an annotation type like Notes, Warnings, and Errors, instead of forcing us to mix HTML tags into Markdown documents.
Tanner Ross
Thiru: We still not have received the Block Editor on our existing projects. This definitely should not be marked as complete if you have users who are unable to leverage your supposed "solution."
Mor Saban
Thiru: The new editor is still not avaiable in existing articles.
Brian Le in case if you are referring to the Accordian within the Editor, the same feature has been accomplished in our newly launched Block Editor. Request you to leverage the same, and share your valuable feedbacks. Thank you.
Marshal Ebinezar
under review
Thanks for your feedback.