Category access inherited to sub-categories
under review
Kasper Ahrensburg
Today when assigning access to roles to specific categories, this access is not inherited to sub-categories. This puts a huge limitation to the use of differentiated access for different security groups, because new sub-categories will not automatically be included in the security group.
If access to a particular category could be automatically inherited to sub-categories - both existing and any future sub-categories, this would greatly expand the use of using security groups.
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Jonas Pommerening
Repeating and adding to what Alexander Gaeta said:
When managing category access for reader groups, you must select all sub-categories for those reader groups to have access.
When adding new subcategories, these are not "selected" by default (i.e., group base access is not added automatically).
Consequently, users will not get access to those new categories or articles within them, until access has been granted on the group level.
HOWEVER, when you look at those categories and articles within them (Security -> Knowledge Base Site Access Control) it does look as if group access from a top-level category is Inherited (which it is not).
justin severn
Talked to Sid today about this. This feature needs to be included.
D360 Product Management
Merged in a post:
Consistency for category inheritance
Alexander Gaeta
When editing content permissions for a team account group, if you click a top-level category, all of the nested sub-categories will “inherit” the permission and appear for the user (so you don’t need to individually click them all).
For Reader groups, however, this is NOT the case. Admins need to individually click each and every sub-category (there is no inheritance), making it messy to maintain as the content of your KB grows (e.g. if a new sub-category gets added by a contributor, I have to then turn it on manually for the reader group).
Hoping to get a toggle button to turn inheritance on/off for categories, or just match the reader group behavior to the current team account group behavior.
This feature is essential for us as well. The management of rights between Team Accounts and Readers differs significantly. Team Accounts inherit rights to sub-categories, whereas Readers do not. As a result, we have to manually update the rights multiple times per week to ensure Readers can access newly created folders. Implementing inheritance for Readers would resolve this issue entirely.
Riffat Wyne
Our organization also needs this for our customers. If access isn't automatically inherited from the parent category, then this whole group creation and limiting content access becomes useless and huge task to manually maintain.
Glenn Elliott Erica Dyson Alexander Gaeta - We are working on the revamped UX of the users & security, and we will ensure that choosing
(a) parent category by default selects all the sub-categories contained in it
(b) by unselecting one of the sub-category, then parent category will still be selected, since there may be other sub-categories within the same parent category
(c) the respective UX to be maintained in consistency both team accounts, readers as well.
(d) Block Inheritance will be a toggle option in new revamped designs.
I will keep you posted once the new implementation is rolled-out.
Hope you all are aware we have opened up newly launched Document360 2.0 portal. So request you to access and share your valuable feedbacks for the same.
Appreciate your patience and understanding.
David Schultz
Thiru: I have the same issue, and just want to make sure that your proposed solution addresses it. You wrote "(a) parent category by default selects all the sub-categories contained in it"
Does this mean only the reader group UX changes, so all current sub-categories are selected when I select the parent category, or does this mean the underlying logic changes so that all current and future sub-categories will inherit the same access? My issue is every time I create a new sub-category currently, I have to remember to do the following:
Settings > Users & Security > Readers & Groups > Edit > Next > Next > X Categories Selected > scroll to locate my new category and check the box.
This is a lot of clicks and it's easy to forget all about it, as I don't create new categories very often. The result is I publish something in a newly created subcategory, then I find out days later that readers cannot see it because those permissions were not inherited from the parent category.
Glenn Elliott
Thiru: Coupled with the issue of you cannot select more than about 50 categories/sub categories at a time or the whole thing doesn't update (have a support ticket in for this), then it can take a very long time to manually click hundreds of boxes per reader.
Also good to have would be a box to "select all" but then you can unselect the few you don't want checked off
justin severn
Thiru Did this get updated?
Erica Dyson
Yes please!
Glenn Elliott
Agreed, as we're new to Document360 we struggled with this issue for a while until we realized team accounts inherit permissions to all nested sub categories yet reader accounts do not.
Our user base is about 95% readers, and having to check off each sub category over hundreds of client categories and many more hundreds of total sub categories (and the amount is growing) is a massive time waste and becoming quite unmanageable
David Schultz
Agreed. I created a group for our customers - all SSO readers that are not part of our organization. This group should have access to most, but not all categories and sub-categories in our Knowledge Base. I had to manually click each and every category/subcategory, and going forward I will have to remember to add access for this group every time I create a new sub-category in a customer-facing area. Inheritance would solve all of this.
Kasper Ahrensburg, All - We have rolled-out a feature, "Block Inheritance", would you kindly validate if this suffices your needs. Please find the below documentation link for the same.
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