Bring back the Insert menu
Auri Poso
The release for the new version says "To simplify the experience, the Insert option has been removed from the right floating menu, as all insert actions are now easily accessible through the Quick Insert menu."
But they're not, really. After selecting text my options for inserting are reduced. I can't select and add a link or a glossary term, for example.
It's also much easier to have the Format/Insert/Content reuse menu continually visible on the right, so you can just select and click; instead of having to open the tiny popup menu.
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Auri Poso
I'd also question how it's easier to click twice than to click once. I'm really missing my pinned text formatting menu that not only lets me change heading level with one click but also shows me which level the heading actually is.
Caroline Tabach
In a product, it is often acceptable that there is more than one way to do something, and each user works the way that is best for them. My team could not find the insert options and thought it was a bug on their side, and wasted time seeing what was wrong. In addition, the quick insert does not always appear straight away and does not seem to work well.
Kristýna Vávrová
Totally agree! Please bring back the insert menu. I can get used to bubble menu - but I would suggest a possibillity of personalizing it. I dont use underlining for example... But the slash menu is very impractical and hard to undesrstand for people how dont use DOC360 on daily basis.
Dibyojyoti Pal
Absolutely agree
Tobias Punzmann
I've also complained about this. There is a good German word for this: "verschlimmbessern"
Jeff Aftel
I also can't find the option to select different style divider lines.
Lora Colley
I agree.
Federico Marafin
Absolutely agree. I'd also mention that there are users who don't interact with Document360 daily and tend to skip reading release notes. I've received numerous messages like "where is the insert menu."
I get that adding the option with the quick menu is a great feature for expert editors or those who can adapt to it, but please retain the original option as well, since it's more intuitive, even if it is a bit slower.
Navin Kumar
hi Auri, Ed,
We understand your frustration regarding removing the insert menu.
As far as the operations highlighted here, we have brought it as a hotfix. We have brought in adding link, callout, and code block in the bubble menu.
Now you can just select the text, use the bubble menu that appears to add a link. Please let us know how you feel about this.
We also would like to understand if there are other functionalities or flows that you miss from the Insert menu.
Please be sure that we hear you, we understand your frustration, and we want to fix your experience.
Brianne Benett
Navin Kumar I would find it very helpful to be able to highlight a word and insert the glossary term. Sometimes the AI suggestions doesn't catch it and now that the insert menu is gone I have to type / then choose the glossary term and delete the previous test rather than replace it.
Kristina Ejstes-Svensson
Navin Kumar
Importing thousands of Word pages I mostly work with having selected a text. I started using Additional shortcuts | Editor keyboard shortcuts for Link and Callout, which works fine.
Now I only lack a quick way to open Glossary and Snippets without unselecting text.
D360 Product Management
Hi Kristina Ejstes-Svensson,
We will consider this enhancement, we will figure out a way to open glossary and snippets when a text is selected.
Ed Hawco
I agree! The promotion for this change implies that moving the insert menu to the "slash menu" makes inserting this faster and easier. IT DOES NOT.
In particular, it slows down making links, which is the thing I do most with the Insert editor. 99% of the time, my link text is ALREADY WRITTEN, either by me or by someone else who has written the draft I'm editing. Sometimes the link text is quite long, such as the full heading in the article I'm linking to, or the name of a web page on an external site. Now I have to type a space, type the slash, pick the Insert tab, select LINK, and then RETYPE THE ENTIRE LINK TEXT (or copy and paste if I happen to think of it). After the link is made I need to erase the old intended link text because it's still there in the editor next to the new link.
That is not faster or easier.
I also have to constantly remind my other writers how to add a link or a graphic, since they are all occasional-use writers who don't use the system every day. "Use the slash menu." "What's that?" (I explain the slash menu.) Four days later "How do I make a link again?" "Use the slash menu." "What's that?" Etc. etc. etc.
Please bring the insert menu back as a tab on the right side with the Format menu! (OK to keep the slash menu as an option, just not the ONLY option.)
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