Analytics Phase 1.0
D360 Product Management
Introduce anonymous user filter for mixed projects. Reader filter modifications in all the relevant places. Filter changes according to design system.
Category filter in All articles drill down page, in team accounts and team accounts drill down page, in reader and reader drill down page.
Adding description to the UI elements and renaming the UI elements. Add info and relevant article link in the analytics heading.
Exact numbers instead of the rounded off numbers.
Last viewed column in All articles analytics page.
Add the relevant information in the Overview page and fix the relevant bug to show only the relevant metrics in My contribution and Overall contribution.
Reader analytics -
Frequent readers should not get affected by the table search. It should only be driven by the page filters. On hover of the badge in frequent reader, show the readers name or email id(if they are JWT).
Team account analytics - Top performers should not get affected by the table search. It should only be driven by the page filters.
location based views drill down page. Wherever there is a ribbon to display the cumulative metrics we need to ensure that the filters are honored. Examples of such pages are team accounts drill down page, All articles drill down page when a user clicks on the article, reader analytics drill down page etc. Everywhere the filters should be honored.
Reader analytics - Add reader group as a column and support csv export(tentative requirement).
Store the location information along with the user information when storing the article views related information. In reader analytics, we need to bring a filter for location.
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D360 Product Management
D360 Product Management
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Documentation of all the Analytics Metrics with their detailed explanation
Ramesh Lokesh
One of our customers Yahooinc has asked us to document all the Analytics Metrics available in Document360 and also explain what each of the metrics means and how they are interpreted based on the user's point of view. This Documentation has to be posted on our Docs site. It would be helpful if a short description of the Analytics Metrics is displayed as a tooltip inside the KB portal, Analytics section.