Add fields to reader bulk import option
Marianne Lynch
When importing readers using the bulk import template, only the reader first name, last name, and email address can be specified. The "Content Access" and "Assign Groups" fields can only be completed after the bulk import and must be done individually for each reader.
Add "Content Access" and "Assign Groups" columns to bulk import template to save time and make bulk user creation easier for admins.
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D360 Product Management
Marianne Lynch
Thank you for the response! While the new interface does make it easier, it would still be nice to do it via a spreadsheet eventually.
For example, if I'm mass uploading many users who each have slightly different access needs, i would need to separate my uploads by those needs rather than being able to specify everything in a spreadsheet and upload it all at once.
Marianne Lynch we have achieved this in our user interface itself, which saves our users time to manually input these data in the file and upload it. Then you can assign the readers, content access in one-go, and not required to perform these changes individually. Please find the screenshot below.