Ability to "unpublish" a new article
in progress
Jean Anderson
It would be very helpful to be able to "unpublish" a new article. For instance, if someone prematurely published a new article that has no previous versions, I could just click a button that would revert the article back to its unpublished state. (This is not the same as switching to a previous forked version -- I'm thinking of new articles that have no revision history yet.)
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D360 Product Management
in progress
Michelle Reeves
I need the ability to hide an article so it is not shown on the public knowledge base but people can still access it if they have the link.
Hi All,
We do have an option to hide the category & articles, which actually fulfills the need to hide it from the knowledge base site for the time being. After the article is being hidden, users in the portal can edit, make a new draft of it and then republish the newer version after making necessary amendments. Please let us if this would fulfil your workflow / requirements.
Nibu Thomas
Thiru, there is a difference. If it's published (even if hidden) it gets picked up for downstream activity. Translation for one. Second, we may have internal workflows where we'd want to handle unpublished articles together. We have to treat published but hidden articles differently. Basically another thing to do - each time.
Yehuda Berlinger
Thiru Not really. For existing articles, it is currently possible to return to the previous version of an article only by forking it and then publishing it over the current version. Hiding an article is not the action requested. We want to roll back to the previous version without difficulty. I think that is the idea. For new articles, draft state and hidden state are not the same, as Nibu notes. For example, when creating a new version from an old version, and everything is now unpublished, it is not possible to know what should be published and what should not be published, but what should be hidden is preserved.
Alexandre Tardif
Thiru, this partially meets my need. Like others said, that bypasses the workflow, but at least we can prevent an article from being visible without deleting, which was the main grief.
Nibu Thomas
This would help us too. Just too painful to undo a published article currently
Stephen Kairys
And I would add that this option should be available even if the article has previous versions.
12/11: Publish v1
12/12: Publish v2
On 12/13 we discover a major issue with the article that would cause confusion, so we need to return it to unpublished state to prevent customers from seeing it.
under review
Merged in a post:
Unpublished article
Barry Weiss
Add ability to unpublished a published article. Also allow the scheduling of articles to be unpublished at a certain date and time.
Matthew West
I can't believe this feature does not already exist. Being able to unpublish an article is basic functionality. Please implement this feature ASAP!
Stephen Kairys
Matthew West Agree completely. Hiding is not the same as unpublishing. For one thing, we may still need to access the Edit version of the article via its URL. Please consider implementing this option.
Lauren DeGidio
I also want to schedule publication of an unpublished article to be published at a certain date and time.
David Crichlow
The hide article feature kind of achieves this, but unpublishing would be a better feature for this use case. Showing it as no longer being a published article would be a great addition
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