Ability to label or comment forked versions and filter them in List Page
under review
Caroline Tabach
Sometimes we fork a version of an article, to update it for the next SW release, before the current version is published. So we have more than one valid unpublished fork of an article. It would be nice if we would be able to write next to the fork, or make some sort of internal notation next to these forks as to which SW release it belongs so, or which feature it is documenting, so various authors will easily understand what is going on and so that an incorrect version will not be published by accident.
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under review
Abby Dong
Love this idea - we're finding it confusing to manage several different versions of an article. we're trying to put which version is what in the Comments/discussion section of the edit view, but being able to have a label or version name accompanying the version in the version menu would be a huge time and headache saver.
Marshal Ebinezar
Hi Caroline Tabach, Thank you for your insightful feedback; we have added it to our pipeline. To address this issue, we can add a description section below the title, which will help the authors avoid confusion.
Caroline Tabach
Marshal Ebinezar: Sounds good. As long as we can distinguish between versions of a fork.