Ability to copy articles of main language in to secondary language for translation
under review
Niel Van Laer
Currently when an new article is created, it isn't copied into the versions with other languages (the only happens when the language is added when the article has already been written). Therefor the content of the first published version should be automatically copied to the other languages (Proposal 1) and if an article is updated the translated version should be assigned a tag " to review", so that the translation can be updated (Proposal 2)
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Nivedha Mohan
Upvoted the request on behalf of Trond Daniel Kvalvik
Parameswary Annamalai
Thiru : In addition to this request, Linga Raj Manoharan also wants the content modified to be updated in a secondary language as well.
Niel Van Laer thanks for your feedback, we will analyse this scenario and get back to you.
under review
Stefan Mayer
Unfortunately, the current behavior is a nogo for us. For example, if you create an article from a template then the translations have the dummy text from the template and not the edited version of the main language.
This would also be an advantage for fast machine translation if the current content of the main language is already displayed.
When creating a translation, the content of the main language should be used, as suggested. In addition, perhaps a side by side display would be useful, similar to the Markdown editor. On the left you would have the main language and on the right the translation.
Marshal Ebinezar
Hi Niel Van Laer Thank you for your valid feedback; we have added it to our pipeline, but no ETA.