Ability to change for review to for release
under review
Nibu Thomas
We have articles that can be reviewed and published immediately. We also have articles that must wait till a certain date to be published.
We can mark articles for review in settings. However, once they are reviewed, we'd want to custom mark these to say something else. For example - For release. Since we follow an agile process, some articles may need to wait till the functionality is actually available in production. Would be great to have the ability to change the label so anyone touching the article will be careful not to put it through the regular process... which may lead to the article getting published.
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under review
Nibu Thomas thanks for the feedback, probably we can achieve this if we allow scheduled publish event. So while the contributor feels this is ready for publish, he can schedule it for the desired day and time, and by doing so the article can be maintained in the read-only mode ensuring no changes can be done. Looking forward to your thoughts on the same.
Nibu Thomas
Thiru: I guess that works too. But we'd still want some signifier. Because of the way products are being built... there's usually some update or the other - even for articles that are in between releases. So if an article is reviewed, and scheduled to be published, the review flag is removed. And there's no way to find out why it is read only - without having to go into the comments (which hopefully have been populated well)