Remove automatic <p> tags in snippets
Joshua Cussen
When I remove the <p> tags from the code editor of a snippet, Document360 adds them back in. I removed the <p> tags for a reason! Give me the control to remove these tags permanently. Alternatively, support styling of variables.
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Document360 Support
Joshua and Everyone - Since the issue does not occur anymore, we are marking this item "Complete" for now. Please reach us if you have any queries.
Glenn Elliott
Agreed, I have experienced this also
Shawna Blumenschein
Agreed wholeheartedly. I was creating a snippet to insert a callout, but it adds empty <p> after the callout, so I have a large and unwanted line break in my docs.
Abby Dong
The flexibility of snippets to be inline or their own block is an important aspect of content management. Please prioritize.
under review
Mor Saban
David Gregory
Totally agreed! This is a significant limitation!
My preference would be to allow inline snippets