Reader's default Document Scope should be set to "None" for bulk import
Elsa Tolsma
With a bulk import of Readers the default "Document Scope" should be "None" and not "Project", otherwise the Reader Group's Document Scope will be overwritten.
Thus, although all Readers were imported in bulk, one then still needs to edit each individual Reader to set the "Document Scope" to "None".
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Document360 Support
Document360 Support
Elsa Shannon Joseph Guy and Everyone : Since, the option to set "None" while bulk importing the readers has been implemented, we are marking this item as complete.
Please feel free to reach us for any assistance.
Merged in a post:
Sensitive - Inviting Readers set documentation scope to Project by deault
Guy Banda
When inviting new readers, there is an optional setting to select Documentation Scope. If not selected, this automatically sets the reader to Project, giving him access to ALL project content even if a Reader Group with limited permissions was selected.
This is very risky since readers can be granted access to privileged information even if the inviter selected a reader group! (but forgot to disable the project scope)
the scope of this OPTIONAL setting should be None by default if nothing else was selected, not Project.
under review
Elsa Tolsma we agree to this, and we will address for security purposes to ensure that user needs to upload the import file with "Reader Group" value in the file, which would resolve this. Now users can modify the reader group's content access as their desire.
Elsa Tolsma
We agree that the default should be "None", rather than "Project" (see
Alternatively we would like to set the Reader's Document Scope = "None" via the Reader import template. It does not make sense to import Readers in bulk, and then going to each individual Reader to set the scope to "None" before the Reader Group scope can be applied. (
Shannon Greywalker
This is a HUGE issue for us too. The default should be "None".
Joseph Farrar
This is a major issue for us as well and we are unable to control this via the API either when inviting new readers. Need a fix for this outside of manually setting the documentation scope to NONE each time.
We configured reader groups for a reason with limited scope, but documentation scope overrides it each time because it defaults to PROJECT.