Hidden Articles in unhidden categories appear in search
Tim Fletcher
- Make an article in a non-hidden category
- Hide the article
- Search for article
- See article in search dropdown
The search indexes hidden articles. You need to hide the article and put it in a hidden category to hide it from the search. This is clearly not intended because you can't actually visit the hidden article even though it appears in the search suggestions.
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Ambuj Lal
I faced this problem today. Hidden article which is now deleted also is showing up in search results. When you click on the search result, it obviously gives a 404 error.
Tim Fletcher @Chiara Gallo Caren Lippe we have resolved this issue and the hidden article within unhidden category won't be appearing anymore in the KB site search results anymore. Let us know if any concerns.
Caren Lippe
Thiru: I think so but I got a surprise. The two articles still showing in the search show a folder path that no longer exists. I moved some articles and renamed the General folder to Procedures several weeks ago, probably a month or so ago.
Caren Lippe
I have the same issue also. Attached pics show searching FEMA, and the list of articles including the hidden ones
Chiara Gallo
We have the same issue at the moment!